MedRehabTeam Services

Musculoskeletal Examination

The evaluation of the musculoskeletal system involves both a discussion with the physiotherapist about your medical history, as well as performing specific measurements and tests related to your condition.

What are the necessary medical documents?

Attire: It is recommended to wear a sports bra (for women) and shorts.

Duration: 1h

Medical Recovery

1. Physiotherapy

This branch is part of physical medicine and studies the neuromuscular and joint mechanisms that enable normal human motor activities. It is based on movement performed through well-structured medical recovery programs aimed at restoring diminished functions.

2. Myofascial Therapy

Myofascial Therapy refers to a set of techniques performed using hands or instrument-assisted methods to manipulate the connective tissue and muscles. Its goals include:

3. IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation)

It is a technique that utilizes a wide range of tools, allowing therapists to effectively treat individuals diagnosed with soft tissue dysfunctions.

4. Richelli Therapy

Richelli Therapy involves alternating manual treatments with instrumental ones by using specially designed instruments to facilitate the therapist's work and accelerate the patient's recovery.

5. Dynamic Cupping

It is an ancient treatment method originating from Chinese medicine. This alternative technique uses "cups" made of various materials such as glass, plastic, or silicone, creating a vacuum effect on the skin. The method we use is specifically the dynamic one, involving circular or linear movements with the cup on the skin, aided by the application of oil to facilitate gliding.

6. Medical Flossing

It is a therapy that uses elastic bands of different sizes in the treatment of the fascia.

7. Trigger points

It is a treatment modality that focuses on treating painful trigger points.

8. Scar tissue release

It is a special technique that exclusively addresses scars and is one of the most overlooked skills in manual therapy.

9. Kinesio taping

It is a taping technique that supports and stabilizes muscles and joints, designed to facilitate the body's natural healing process without limiting movement or body flexibility.

10. Global Active Stretching

It is a method that involves creating specific, controlled, and progressive stretching exercises (known as global stretching) aimed at promoting the "lengthening" of the spine and improving the flexibility of the connective tissue in the lower extremities.

11. FNP (Facilitated Neuro-Muscular Proprioceptive Techniques)

It is a technique that involves facilitating, encouraging, or accelerating voluntary motor responses by stimulating the proprioceptors in muscles, tendons, and joints.

12. Manual Therapy

It is a manipulation based on scientific and clinical evidence of soft tissue (connective and muscular) with the aim of normalizing its function. It involves manual techniques that include applying fixed or dynamic pressure and/or mobilizing a specific part of the body.

13. (Electro) Dry needling

It represents a treatment method that helps alleviate myofascial pain. Within this method, the physiotherapist inserts a specialized dry needling needle into the muscular tissue, reaching the trigger point to stimulate it.

14. Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is a technique that involves the use of electrical impulses to stimulate muscles.

15. Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)

Designed to treat swallowing disorders through muscular reeducation.

16. Redcord

17. Verticalization

18. Spinal elongations or spinal stretching

Medical consultations

We provide services in two medical specialties: orthopedics and traumatology, and neurology.

Orthopedics and Traumatology: