Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

www.centruderecuperaremedicala.ro is a provider of medical rehabilitation services in Cluj Napoca.


The use of services or information provided on the website www.centruderecuperaremedicala.ro implies the acceptance by the user of the terms and conditions stated below.

The terms and conditions may be modified periodically, and it is the user’s responsibility to check for updates each time they access this site.

Description of Services

www.centruderecuperaremedicala.ro is the presentation website of Med Rehab Team, a medical rehabilitation clinic in Cluj Napoca.

Content and Copyright

The content and design of the website belong to Med Rehab Team and are protected by copyright laws. You may not reproduce the materials displayed on the site without obtaining written permission from Med Rehab Team.

Med Rehab Team assumes no responsibility in any situation for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use or interruption of use or lack of information and services provided on this site.

Online Booking

Online appointments can be submitted using the forms on this site, email, or phone. The user is obliged to provide correct and concise data regarding the appointment made. Med Rehab Team cannot be held liable in any form for erroneous information caused by the beneficiary.

If Med Rehab Team considers an appointment incomplete or incorrect, they may request additional details from the user using the provided email address.

Conditions of Website Use

The content of this site may not be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written consent of Med Rehab Team or the mention of the source. Sharing the Med Rehab Team website or its pages on social networks is permitted. Downloading the content of each individual page of this site is allowed for informational, non-commercial purposes, with proper attribution.

Limitation of Liability

Med Rehab Team is exempt from liability in all cases for any damages (including but not limited to loss of profit, business interruption, loss of information) arising from the use or inability to use the provided materials.

Final Provisions

All users of this site are subject to these terms and conditions, and accessing it implies acceptance and agreement to the specifications provided by Med Rehab Team in this document.

Med Rehab Team reserves the right to modify the content of this document at any time without prior notification to the user. Such modifications are considered accepted by the user if they continue to use the website.

Last updated: 13.06.2023