Mircea Saplacan


Mircea is a graduate at the Bachelor’s level from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy within the Faculty of Medicine, specializing in Balneofiziokinetotherapy and Rehabilitation. Currently, he is pursuing his Master’s studies at the same university.

Medical rehabilitation is a passion and a pleasure for him, as he is dedicated to giving his all for the patients. He has been drawn to this branch of medicine since high school, having witnessed numerous injuries and understanding the importance of medical rehabilitation. He was also a competitive volleyball athlete. One of the areas that interests him is orthopedics and traumatology.


  • Massage Technician (medical massage and reflexotherapy)


Dedicated treatment

Individualized treatment

Pathologies differ in terms of symptoms and motor deficits.


Access inside the clinic is available for wheelchair users, and there is an adapted bathroom.


Individual sessions dedicated to the patient's needs.

Med Rehab Team Services

Musculoskeletal Examination

The evaluation of the musculoskeletal system involves both a discussion with the physiotherapist about your medical history and the performance of specific measurements and tests related to your condition.

Medical Consultations

We offer services in two medical specialties: orthopedics-traumatology and neurology.
